Basic coated low-hydrogen electrode for welding of 5% Cr 0.5% Mo creep resisting steel
AWS A5.5
E8018-B6 H4
Dimensions and packing details
Size, mm Pack/Carton Part No 3.20 VAC Pack INEB632
Enquiry about this productCloseINE 57 B CNC/CORTEN
Low-alloy basic electrode for welding weather-resistant & high tensile steels.
AWS A5.5
DatasheetDimensions and packing details
Size, mm Pack/Carton Part No 3.20 VAC Pack 2kg INE57BCNC
Enquiry about this productCloseTALARC CrMo B2
- 1.25Cr-0.5Mo type used for welding creep resistant steel
- Low alloy basic-coated electrode for use in chemical and petro-chemical industries, for heat exchangers, boilers, piping and pressure vessels with service temperature up to about 550°C
Dimensions and packing details
Size, mm Pack/Carton Part No 2.5 VAC pack INEB225 3.2 VAC pack INEB232 4.0 VAC pack INEB240 Enquiry about this productCloseTALARC CrMo B3
- 2.25Cr-1Mo type used for welding creep resistant steel
- Low alloy basic-coated electrode for use in chemical and petro-chemical industries, for heat exchangers, boilers, piping and pressure vessels with service temperature up to about 600°C
Dimensions and packing details
Size, mm Pack/Carton Part No 2.5 VAC pack INEB325 3.2 VAC pack INEB332 4.0 VAC pack INEB340 Enquiry about this productCloseTALARC A1 Mo
- Low-alloy basic-coated electrode with 0.5% Mo content for welding
- low-alloy steels with high tensile strength
- Suitable for pipelines and pressure vessels with operating temperatures of about 500°C
Dimensions and packing details
Size, mm Pack/Carton Part No 3.2 VAC pack 2kg INEA132 Enquiry about this productCloseTALARC NiCrMo
- Low alloy basic electrode for welding high yield strength steel
- Ni 1.3% Cr 0.30% Mo 0.90%
Dimensions and packing details
Size, mm Pack/Carton Part No 3.2 VAC pack 2kg INE80B32 Enquiry about this productCloseS-11018.M
- Low alloy iron powder type electrode for welding high strength steel
Dimensions and packing details
Size, mm Pack/Carton Part No 3.2 5kg/20kg cart HKS11018M32 -